
由加拿大安省中國美術會主辦的「安省書畫耆老作品展覽」,於8月5日在萬錦市政廳議事堂(Council Chamber) 隆重開幕,萬錦康山區國會議員伍鳳儀、省議員陳國治、萬錦市議員何胡景、趙善江、 Don Hamilton、該會永遠會監談鍚永、會長伍川宇、榮譽會長簡家驎,及二十多位參展書畫家共同主禮。
218_Ontario_paint_exhibit_2典禮上 ,各嘉賓分別致詞。國會議員伍鳳儀更致送賀函,感謝美術會三十多年在美術方面的貢献,她與省議員陳國治,即場邀請美術會將來移師渥太華舉辦展覽,把中華繪藝弘揚。

另外三位萬錦市市議員亦代表市政府致送嘉許狀, 嘉許安省中國美術會努力搭建平台,讓一群耆老書畫家的才華展現於萬錦社區。
218_Ontario_painting_exhibit_3這次「安省書畫耆老作品展覽」包括中國書畫、油畫、丙烯畫及水彩畫等。26名參展書畫家計有談錫永、勞允澍、劉淑芳、伍川宇、陳秋言、陳楚雄、陳德容、張菡青、張國柱、郭鏞渠、邢雲鶴、羅卿意、李劍夫、盧永照、馬鵬、麥正、Moira Mudie苗梅雅、蘇楚楚、譚龍騰、譚超常、牛丁、黃紹明、黃錫藻、王鷹、薛士圻、張幗珍(按姓氏拼音排序)。 展覽由8月5日至11日舉行,地點: 萬錦市政廳大堂Markham Civic Centre,101 Town Centre Boulevard, Markham, ON L3R 8G5。時間每日上午9時至下午5時,歡迎各界人士蒞臨參觀 , 詳情可致電416-586-9837或電郵ocaa@ocaa.info查詢,網址: www.ocaa.info。


Ontario Senior Artists Art Show

August 7, 2017

On August 5, the start of the Simcoe Day long weekend, Markham Civic Centre played host to the opening of “Ontario Senior Artists Art Show” for Ontario Chinese Artists Association or OCAA. A somewhat tumultuous start, as it threatened to rain early in the afternoon, the sun broke through and brought wonderful lighting to the joint exhibition through the glass ceiling of the Great Hall. The Great Hall with its idyllic surrounding, which includes a water fountain, is a popular locale for weddings and other festive events, turn out to be the perfect venue for the art exhibition.

218_Ontario_painting_exhibit_7Invited by the city councillor Alan Ho, the OCAA event presents the artwork of its member-artists, this time, who are 70 and older. Many wished to participate, but only 26 were chosen for this show. The artists include Tam Shek-Wing, Peng Ma, and among others, many of whom are lineage descendents from the greats such as Zhao Shao’ang and Qi Baishi.

218_Ontario_painting_exhibit_4On the opening day, the ribbon-cutting event received much fanfare. All three levels of government joined in the celebration, including Markham MP Mary Ng, MPP Michael Chan, city councillors Alex Chiu, Don Hamilton and Alan Ho.

One prominent theme of the show is the celebration of Canada as a colourful cultural mosaic. The artists showcase their paintings and calligraphy art. Beginning with the Chinese brush strokes, some stretches the limits of the tradition with relatable Canadian scenery and Western painting techniques.

218_Ontario_painting_exhibit_5It is the desire of OCAA to pass on the traditional craft to the younger generation and to the Canadian public, according the MC. At one point of the opening ceremony, MP Mary Ng and MPP Michael Chan surprised the artists with a proposal to showcase their works in Ottawa.

OCAA was established in 1979 as a non-profit to provide a gallery and meeting space for local Chinese-Canadian artists. Currently located on Midland Avenue on the edge of Scarborough and Markham, this year they make a concerted effort to tour its member artists in venues throughout Ontario.

「雙慶書畫展 2017 」熱烈開幕
加拿大 安省中國美術會 2017年下半年藝術活動

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