張國昇 Bruce Cheung

張國昇 headshot張國昇藝術簡介 (Scroll down for the bio in English):


  • 2014年入展國際書法家聯合總會第十一屆曼谷國際書法交流大展,並被收藏。
  • 2015年被廣東省潮州市饒平縣張氏大宗祠邀請寫對聯作品,並被木刻在大殿两旁大上。
  • 2016年2月被邀請由中國郵政及中國文化訊息協會監製合辦之慶祝中國共產黨建黨95周年郵品紀念册限量版,並於是年發行。
  • 2017年獲得國家一級美術師資格(香港特別行政區)。
  • 同年作品入選法国纪念中法建交53週年纪念珍邮册。
  • 2018年被邀請為加拿大漢美頓市法海禪院書寫對聯。
  • 作品多次在國際及北美展出。
  • 中視頻道書畫院院士
  • 中國名人名家書畫院院士
  • 東方藝術天地藝術顧問
  • 粵東張氏協會書法顧問
  • 大西洋書法家協會副會長
  • 加拿大墨韻琴聲書畫會理事
  • 中國華夏萬里行書畫家協會理事
  • 香港中國美術會會員
  • 加拿大中國書法協會會員
  • 加拿大安省中國書畫學會會員
  • 安省中國美術會會員
  • 中國水墨丹青書晝院會員
  • 加拿大大西洋文化藝術交流協會會員
I, Kwok Sing Bruce Cheung, was born in Hong Kong in 1959. I am Chinese by descent from Guangdong Province Shunde District of Foshan city. I studied in Hong Kong Pui Ching Middle School when I was young. I love Chinese Calligraphy and Printing and had followed Hong Kong famous Chinese Calligrapher and Printer Mr. Lau Shi-Ho, who was a great student of Lingnan famous Art Master Jun Bi Huang to learn Chinese Calligraphy and Printing for years. Then, I moved to Toronto Canada in 1981 and graduated in McMaster University Mechanical Engineering in 1987. During the years, I keep on practicing Chinese Brush Art. I am now active in Hong Kong, Mainland and Canada for developing Chinese Arts and teaching Chinese Calligraphy.

My Chinese Calligraphy artwork :

My artwork was selected and collected by International Calligraphers’ Federation at the 11st International Calligraphy Exhibition Convention Bangkok in 2014.

I was invited by Cheung’s Ancestral Great Hall to write a couplet and woodcut in the main Hall on both sides of the column in Guangdong Province Chaozhou city in 2015.

My art works were selected by China International Philatelic Network and Chinese Cultural Information Association hosted event (Personal Chinese Calligraphy Art Works Limited Collection Albums) to celebrate the 95th anniversary of the founding of the Chinese Communist Party. China Post imprinted our art works on the commemorative postage stamps, post cards and telephone cards in 2016.

I am Qualified as a China National 1st Class Artist in 2017 (Hong Kong Special Administrative Region).

In the same year, My art works were selected by International Philatelic Cultural Centre Co., Ltd. hosted event (Personal Chinese Calligraphy Art Works Limited Collection Albums) to celebrate the 53 anniversary of China France establishing diplomatic relations commemorative postage stamps issued by France.

Invited to write a couple of couplets to Hamilton Fahai Buddhist Hall (法海禪院) in 2018. Art works, from time to time,  are selected to show in International and North America Exhibitions.

Presently holding positions:

  • China Academy of Video Painting and Calligraphy Academy
  • Chinese Academy of Fine Arts and Calligraphy Academy
  • Oriental Art World Art Consultant
  • Guangdong Province Cheung’s Association Calligraphy Consultant
  • Vice President of Atlantic Chinese Calligraphy Association
  • Director of The Chinese Art and Education Association of Canada
  • Director of Chinese Wan Li Xing Calligraphy and Printer Association
  • member of Hong Kong Chinese Arts Association
  • member of The Chinese Calligraphy Association of Canada
  • member of Chinese Brush Art Association of Canada
  • member of Ontario Chinese Artist Association
  • member of China Ink and Wash Danqing Printing and Calligraphy Institute
  • member of Atlantic Culture and Arts Exchange Association
葉雅鈿 Edna Ip
任金昌 Ren JinChang

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