許麗莉 Lily Hui






此岸彼岸 218cmx98cm

Lily Hui has exhibited in China, Taiwan, Australia, Canada, Japan, Korea, Macao, Russia and Hong Kong. In 2013, she held exhibition in Canada and obtained awards from Canadian government. Her works were exhibited in international and domestic galleries and got many awards.


She was invited to attend the 12th National Fine Art exhibition and 2017 worldwide ink painting exhibition. Her works were collected by Ontario Chinese Artist Association (Canada), Shixiang Garden, Kaipin Museum, Fudan University, Shaoguan University and some private collectors. Now, she is the Permanent Honorable President of Ontario Chinese Artist Association (Canada). She is also the honorable chairperson of Culture Pass International Art association. She is the curator of Yishu Calligraphy and Painting Academy, directors of INWAA HK branch and Xinyuan art association. She is the visiting professor of Zhongyuan Academy. She is a member of HK Fine Art association, Qingqiu Art association, HK Lanting Club and Haitao water colors association.


張麗娟 Zhang Lijuan
左燕芳 Yvonne Yin-Fong Cheng

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