Canada 154 Online Art Show

Canada Day is a great time for celebrating.

In 2021, many festivities are canceled due to the pandemic. We, the Ontario Chinese Artists Association/OCAA, host an online art show to commemorate Canada’s 154th birthday.

We still aren’t able to come together in large crowds. We care about the epidemic and cheer for Canada.

Canada Together!!

Please click here: 請點擊欣賞:



71日是加拿大日,是慶祝的好時機。2021 年,却因為全球病毒大流行,許多慶祝活動都被逼取消。

加拿大安省中國美術會/OCAA 舉辦在線「加拿大日書畫展覽」,展出會員作品八十張,以慶祝加拿大154 歲生日。


 是次參展名單(排名不分先後): 談錫永、勞允澍、譚美容、趙健俊、呂祐章、梁鈞樂、陳和興、宗慧、墨童、丘玉琰、杜月芳、許永平、愚石、黄錫藻、鄧惠玲、徐啓朋、馬鵬、陸裔芸、廖淑先、陳叔善、蘇楚楚、黄昆明, 任金昌、彭志勇、唐曉樂、何自力、葉雅鈿、梁士瑜、黄紹明、陳寶文、麥正、左燕芳、伍川宇、徐紅、張莫、羅錦濤、牛丁、陳德容、陳楚鴻、冼綺文。

Ontario Chinese Artists Association
3838 Midland Ave., Unit 102, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M1V  5K5
T: 416-586-9837  Email:  Website: 

OCAA Online Art Show: Kam-To LO 會員作品網展: 「粉墨人間」羅錦濤
OCAA Online Art Show/Jordan Wu 會員作品網展: 伍川宇