安省中國美術會 雙慶書畫展 2022 OCAA Anniversary Art Show

安省中國美術會  雙慶書畫展 2022 

OCAA Anniversary Art Show
OCAA Gallery

2022, 是安省中國美術會創會43年紀念。創會旨在切磋書道繪藝,弘揚國粹,推動中西文化交流。


今年的「雙慶書畫展 2022」,展出會員的中西作品近50幅,於101(星期六),到106, 每天上午11時到下午4時。

防疫下,不設開幕儀式。歡迎參觀。地點:加拿大安省中國美術會3838 Midland Ave., Unit 102, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M1V  5K5。聯絡:416-586-9837;  ocaa@ocaa.info 

Year 2022 marks the 43rd anniversary of the founding of the Ontario Chinese Artists Association. The purpose of the founding was to continue the study of Chinese calligraphy and all kinds of paintings in Canada, and then promote cultural exchange between east and the west.

The Association celebrates the National Day of China while celebrating its anniversary, and wishes the people of Canada and China health and happiness.

第十四屆桃李春風書畫展及網展 OCAA Outstanding Student Achievement Art Exhibition 2022
OCAA Online Art Show: CHAN Tak-Yung 陳德容書畫網展/加拿大