時間:11:00am – 4:00pm。
地點: 加拿大安省中國美術會 Ontario Chinese Artists Association/OCAA
3838 Midland Ave., Unit 102, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M1V 5K5 416-586-9837: ocaa@ocaa.info: www.ocaa.info)
3838 Midland Ave., Unit 102, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M1V 5K5 416-586-9837: ocaa@ocaa.info: www.ocaa.info)
Canada’s national holiday is celebrated on July 1. Many events will be held across the country to celebrate the country’s development and achievements.
This year, Canada will turn 156 years old! After public health restrictions were lifted, the Ontario Chinese Artists Association will hold an in-person celebration exhibition to celebrate Canada’s birthday. 30 fine arts will be shown in their location from July 1st to 6th, 2023.
7 月 1 日是加拿大的國慶節。全國各地將舉行許多慶祝活動,慶祝國家的發展和成就。
今年,加拿大將迎來 156 歲生日! 公共衛生限制解除後,安省中國美術會將舉辦現場慶祝展,慶祝加拿大誕辰。 30件美術作品將於2023年7月1日至6日在其會所內展出。