Chinese Inkwash Gallery Celebrating Tam’s 90th Birthday 〈中國水墨畫廊〉談上師九十壽慶展開幕

“Chinese Inkwash Gallery” showcases the artwork of Master Tam Shek-Wing and the staff of Seneca. Coincide with this year’s Asian Heritage Month, Seneca Polytechnic is displaying a selection of Master Tam’s work alongside Seneca employees who completed the Introduction to Painting class taught by Seneca employee Winnie Yu. Over ten weeks employees of all levels had the opportunity to practice this ancient art form and learn from Master Tam and Yu. The collected works of Master Tam, his students, as well as Seneca employees are shown in this gallery as part of a celebration of Asian art.

The opening event began with a speech by President Agnew of Seneca Polytechnic and a Kathak performance by Tanveer Alam Dance showcasing an ancient North Indian dance tradition with contemporary interpretations. Rich with storytelling, the idea of a traditional craft renewed with a modern take was again echoed when Tam and Yu took the stage, emphasizing the common ground between Chinese Inkwash and Impressionism (à la Monet and Van Gogh), suggesting that the potential of the inkwash artform analogous to bilingualism. It was Tam’s wish that Seneca Polytechnic would offer a platform for innovations in the artform.

This year coincides with Tam’s 90th birthday. Long-time friends including councillor Alan Ho (Markham), councillor Castro Liu (Richmond Hill), and retired mayor Norm Kelly (Toronto) joined in the celebration.

The exhibition continues to May 15 (8am-10pm) at Building K, 2nd Floor, Room K2100 A & B of Seneca Polytechnic Newnham Campus, 1750 Finch Ave. East.

為慶祝本年度亞裔傳統文化月,辛力加理工學院在其校的 〈中國水墨畫廊〉呈獻一系列  談錫永上師的精彩作品,同時展出其學生及辛力加教職員的習作。為期十週的水墨課程,由  談錫永上師與其弟子  於頴志女士(安省中國美術會副會長,辛力加理工教職員)主辦,桃李春風,成績美滿,遂選出優秀作品展出以慶祝亞洲傳統文化月節。開幕儀式由辛力加理工總裁 Mr David Agnew 致開幕辭。節目有Tanveer Alam Dance 演出的 Kathak舞蹈,以創新風格演繹傳統的印度北方古典舞。將傳統和現代揉合,正好對應談上師的觀點,認為中國水墨與西方印像派(如梵高、莫奈)有其共通之處,可將二者相融於創作上,猶如日常雙語(bilingualism) 的運用。談上師期望辛力加理工學院能為這類創作提供一個優良的發展平台。這新與舊,東與西交織在 談上師與 於女士的兩代畫情之間,元音壽牒。

今年適逢談錫永上師九十華誕,蒞臨道賀的嘉賓包括談上師的多年好友: 萬錦何胡景市議員、烈治文山市議員 廖立暉先生及前多倫多市市長 Mr. Norm Kelly 齊出席是日慶典。

是次展覽由現在起,每天由早上八時至晚上十時,在芬治東街一七五零號,辛力加理工學院紐 咸校區K座二樓展出至五月十五日。

Scenes from Tam's 90th Birthday Joint Exhibition 談錫永九十壽慶聯展開幕花絮
Celebrating Asian Art with Chinese Inkwash Gallery and Kathak Dance Performance 亞洲藝術節 中國水墨畫廊+天竺舞蹈

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