2024 國際兒童繪畫比賽 2024 Annual International Children’s Art Contest

2024 国际儿童绘画比赛 (See English instructions below)

參赛表格下载2024 参赛表格

由加拿⼤安省中国美术会主办, 2024国际儿童绘画比赛现正征稿。比赛宗旨为启廸孩⼦们美的⼼灵、培飬创新及鉴赏能⼒以及提供交流和展⽰的机会。⾄于参赛主题不限, 可⾃⾏选定。评审标准为根据参赛作品创意,主题表现及技巧三⽅⾯来评定。

参加者为17岁以下世界各族裔少年儿童,分四组进⾏评审。年龄组别分为: A组六岁及以下; B组七岁⾄九岁; C组10岁⾄13岁; D组14岁⾄17岁,作品只限⼿绘画作。此外,今年亦增加电⼦绘画观赏组别并设立优异奖奖项, 欢迎各组别儿童共同参与。

于加拿⼤安省境内, 参赛费每⼈为加币10元, 每组评选出⾦、银、铜、优秀及入围等五个奖项,各得得奖证书,另⾦银铜得奖者将获发奖牌。⾄于安省以外的参赛者则免交参赛费,所有得奖者将获寄发得奖证书;如若需要寄回作品, 请省外参赛者报名时付上回邮费⽤, 费⽤另议。付款⽅式为现⾦、⽀票及汇票, ⽀票及汇票抬头为 "Ontario Chinese Artists Association "。

报名时间为2024年5⽉27⽇⾄8⽉16⽇, 逢星期⼀⾄五,上午11点⾄下午四点,邮寄作品时间以邮戳为准。得奖作品将于2024年9⽉28⽇至10⽉4⽇期间,在本会内展出。颁奖典礼则定为9⽉28⽇下午2时, 于安省中国美术会内举⾏。适逢本会今年为庆祝45周年纪念,得奖者亦将被应邀参加10⽉19⽇举办之周年纪念晚宴,以及颁发特别纪念奖状。

查询:(416)586-9837  , ocaa1979info@gmail.com ,   www.ocaa.info 

重温去年参赛作品 https://youtu.be/i8p7KLNWe9M

去年評委留影: 左起徐啟明、黄鉗灼、呂祐章、黄錫藻、司徒嘉、伍川宇(監場)、梁燕玉、於穎志、郭葆樺。

Artwork from last year’s competition : https://youtu.be/i8p7KLNWe9M

2024 Annual International Children’s Art Contest

Registration form download : 2024 entry form

Hosted by Ontario Chinese Artists Association 

Organizer: Ontario Chinese Artists Association 

Objectives: To encourage & to evoke creativity and imagination. To create & provide the opportunity of communication, view and emulate, mutual-learning and display. 

Theme: Any topics are encouraged and will be accepted 

Evaluation criteria: originality, theme presentation and artistic skills

Official rules and regulations: Contestants are limited to children 17 years of age and younger 

Four age-categories for submission and judging: 6 and younger, 7-9, 10-12 and 13-17

Medium: Paintings and drawings, no limit on materials

This year we added a digital art appreciation column (award would be presented for merit digital artwork), welcome all categories’ children participate in.

Entry Fee* and Award:  

Inside Province of Ontario– 10 dollars (CAD) per person. Each gold, silver and bronze winner will be awarded one medal and one certification. Excellence and Selected award winners will be presented certifications. 

Outside Province of Ontario– free entry fee.  Each gold, silver, bronze winner will be mailed back one certification. All contestant groups will be mailed back winner certification and participation certification. 

If contestants would like to get back their artworks by mailing, please include mailing fees when registering. (to be negotiated)

Payment: Cash, check or money order are payable to “Ontario Chinese Artists Association”

Registration time: 11:00am-4:00pm, May27th to August 16th,  2024 (according to postmark) 

Exhibition duration: September 28th to October 4th, 2024, 11:00am-4:00pm 

Award ceremony: September 28th, 2024, 2:00pm.

This year coincides with OCAA 45th anniversary. Winners would also be invited to an annual dinner on October 19th.

Mailing address: 3838 Midland Ave. unit 102, Toronto, ON, Canada, M1V 5K5  

                                (Please write” Submission for Painting Contest” on envelop)

Site: 3838 Midland Ave. unit 102, Toronto, ON, Canada M1V 5K5 

Enquiry:(416)586-9837  , ocaa1979info@gmail.com ,   www.ocaa.info 

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