近年發起組織《北美漢藏佛學研究會》,有國際知名學者二十餘人加入。與中國人民大學國學院及中國藏學中心合作,創辦全世界第一所《漢藏佛學研究中心》,為國家培養年輕學者。目前為中國人民大學國學院客座教授,且應邀於杭州、南京、廣州各地講學。至 2011 為止,共保送11 名學生出國深造。
Master Tam Shek-wing was born in 1935 in Guangzhou, and he received teachings from the renowned masters of the Ge Shan school, Mr. Zhang Chunchu (1869–1943), and Lingnan school, Mr. Zhao Chongzheng (1910–1968). He is the third-generation successor of both the Ge Shan and Lingnan schools. His artworks blend innovation with tradition, showcasing a strong style that is acclaimed in today’s art scene as “Lingnan literati painting.” This is a highly esteemed honor in the Guangdong art community, as the founder of the Lingnan school, Mr. Gao Jianfu (1879–1951), believed that the Lingnan school should develop towards literati painting. Master Tam evidently received this honor, which has been acknowledged by art critics and connoisseurs both domestically and internationally, recognizing him as a rare talent in the art world.
From a young age, Master Tam immersed himself in Chinese studies, particularly in Buddhist studies. In his middle years, he received teachings from the Ningma school’s Dondrub Ningpoche (1904–1987), delving into profound secret teachings of the Tathagata treasury. Since 1993, Master Tam has taken on the responsibility of editing, translating, and authoring four sets of Buddhist literature, totaling over eighty works. These publications provide a gradual introduction to the thought of the Tathagata treasury and have gained significant attention from Buddhist scholars worldwide. In recent years, he has authored the “Leaving Words” series, interpreting scriptures according to the Tathagata treasury, revealing the “unspoken meanings” within the texts. In recent years, Master Tam initiated the organization of the “North American Sino-Tibetan Buddhist Studies Association,” with over twenty internationally renowned scholars joining. In collaboration with the School of Chinese Classics at Renmin University of China and the China Tibetology Research Center, he established the world’s first “Sino-Tibetan Buddhist Studies Center,” dedicated to nurturing young scholars for the country. Currently, he serves as a visiting professor at the School of Chinese Classics at Renmin University of China and has been invited to give lectures in Hangzhou, Nanjing, and Guangzhou. As of 2011, he has sponsored 11 students to study abroad. Despite dedicating himself to Buddhist studies, Master Tam has not abandoned his passion for painting and writing. In the 1980s, while residing in Hawaii, he was invited to hold a personal art exhibition at the Hawaii Art Museum, introducing his artworks to foreign audiences for the first time. In 2010, Master Tam became one of the few artists invited to hold a personal art exhibition at the “Tianyi Pavilion,” China’s oldest library, and the first and largest national seal society, the “Xileng Seal Society.”